Kuliah Kerja Lapangan ini berjudul “Prosedur Penjualan Tunai Bisnis on-line Shopping di www.thaihoney.com ” Yanti Ismawati menulis Kuliah Kerja Lapangan ini dengan dibimbing oleh Icih SE,. M,Si,Ak. CA. Penenelitian yang dituangkan dalam KKL ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedur dalam pelaksanaan Penjualan Tunai Bisnis on-line Shopping di www.thaihoney.com . Metode penelitian…
Analisis Value Chain adalah pola yang digunakan perusahaan untuk memahami posisi biaya dan untuk mengidentifikasi cara-cara yang dapat digunakan untuk memfasilitasi implementasi dari strategi bisnisnya. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bagaimana konsep Analisis Value Chain yang ada di Big Bee Farm. Analisis rantai nilai di Big Bee Farm menjelaskan beberapa aktivitas yang ada di perusahaan Big Bee Far…
Technology or the internet today is very fast in its development following the times. The internet is also one of the parts in human life today. This rapid development of the internet brought changes in the dissemination of information in any form. One of the internet is used because it is more effective in helping the needs of its users including the company. Internet Financial Reporting (IFR)…
The purpose of this study to determine the effect of economic literacy and peers on the consumptive behavior students in the STIESA Field Work Lecture 2018 participants. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all participants STIESA Field Work Lecture 2018 amounted to 99 people. Data collection techniques in this study using the test and questionnaire. The an…
The background of this study wants to know and understand whether the principles of good governance have been implemented well and factors that influence the application of the principles of good governance in an effort to realize good corporate governance in Air Asia Indonesia, Tbk). Good corporate reflects good corporate governance. Good Corporate Governance disclosure in this study was repor…