Currently, business people are starting to switch from traditional marketing to modern marketing by utilizing internet technology. Business people open online stores through e-marketplace websites and applications. The existing e-marketplaces are competing for the first position to become the best e-marketplace. To get that position in the e-marketplace, you must be able to create good quality…
Researchers have indicated that students generally show high interests in learning in authentic environments using mobile devices, but their learning performance might not reach instructors’ expectation if no proper learning support is provided. One of themajor problems students encountered in mobile learning is the difficulty of constructing knowledge acquir…
The Research conducted by TRPIP aims to describe the current socio-economic conditions of Subang female factory workers? This portrait is important to see the reality of the life of female factory workers in Subang Regency. With the results of this survey, it is expected that the public will know about the reality of the lives of women workers and on the other hand the Regional Government as …
Issues of regional development by most experts regarded as the problems posed by the presence of symptoms (regional inequality). The gap between regions in Subang, West Java Indonesia is one of the serious problems that must be addressed through policy measures with the right strategy. The primary tool that can do a merger between the principles of "centralized" with…
The global financial crisis provides the importance in developing model to monitor, identify and asses potential risks that can threat business sustainability. Financial Distress Cost (FDC) seems to be one of early signal about early risk of decreasing of firm performance such as sales growth and stock return. Futhermore it give early signal to firm reducing the loss possibility before…
Purpose: The important of human capital relation to firm financial distress still get limited attention, but there is some evidence that firm reduce the cost of human capital when its get a declining financial performance due to bankcruptcy. This study aims exploring the cost of financial distress determinant by human capital. Methodology: We use the data of manufacturing industry in Indones…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan rating score good corporate governance dari perusahaan terhadap return sahamnya yang salah satu faktornya menyebabkan perusahaan memiliki return yang besar untuk menarik lebih banyak investor dengan posisinya terhadap prinsip-prinsip dasar good governance perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan data dianalisis dengan analisis r…
Kebijakan Pemerintah berupa PPKM (Peraturan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat) di masa covid-19 berdampak pada penurunan pendapatan UKM, sehingga penggunaan media sosial sebagai terobosan teknologi digital pada aktivitas bisnis UKM menjadi penting untuk kebertahanan UKM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dampak strategi digital bisnis pada keberlanjutan UKM di Subang Jawa Barat. Metode peneli…
Zakat is part of the Indonesian economy which requires the development and structuring.The funds of zakat must be more managed by organizational zakat system which should be improved its performance. Therefore, there is a needof new approach concerning the zakat management based on muzakki’s behaviourthat is an important resource in zakat institution.This paper explores the role of Customer R…
Intellectual capital is an intangible asset, resource, science and technology and knowledge owned by a company that distinguishes it from other companies. Intellectual capital has developed and has become a very important capital and is a critical part for companies to gain competitive advantage in facing economic developments where competition is getting stronger. This study aims to examine th…