The efficiencies related to business activities and needed for competitive advantage. An efficiency bank is important for its capability in mobilizing public funds or channelling funds to people who need business capital. The study tests the effect of the relationship between efficiency on the performance of Sharia banking in Indonesia. The research type is descriptive. The research object is t…
The banking development is increasingly rapid and competition is an important aspect for maintaining the existence of a bank that can achieved by income optimalizing and minimazing of risk taking. This study examines the effect of income diversification on sharia bank’s performance, and also aims to test the effect of income diversification on performance and risk taking. The sharia bank�…
The improvization of sustainability performance for creating the long-term value requires good governance in order to achieve a high productivity and control costs. Firm’s ability managing assets efficiently should be synergized with good corporate sustainability information disclosure. Efficiency management is important for corporate sustainability. A better firm’s managerial improvement …
Mutual funds syariah are other investment opportunities with measurable risk and return is high enough with enough capital affordable to the community. Mutual funds syariah have an Investment Manager with the ability and knowledge of the market it is or will happen. Therefore, mutual funds syariah selected by investors because it is cheap, easy and "managed by the experts". This research ana…
Zakah is part of the Indonesian economy, which requires the development and structuring. The funds of zakah must be well managed by organizational zakah system which should be improved its performance. Therefore, there is a need of new approach concerning the zakah management based on muzakki’s behavior as an important resource in zakah institution. This paper explores the role of Customer Re…
A digital finance service breakthrough is essential to get better financial assistance to optimize financial inclusion, and the effectiveness requires technological support in banking financial services. The study investigates the effect of digital finance on financial inclusion in Indonesians’ banking industry. We develop the new measurement, namely average digital finance (ADF), and use loa…
The business performance become an important thing to be main goal of firm activities to get the competitive advantage, but it is contrary with the recession may bring a probability of firm’s decreasing and liquidation. The uncertainty of global economy provides the importance in developing model to monitor, identify and asses potential risks which can threat business sustainability. Cost of …
Public access to the services of financial institutions determines the revenues amount of financial institutions. The growth of bank account helps banks to manage the financing service that provides for the community. This study examines the relationship of financial inclusion and financial stability, especially in Indonesia’s Sharia banking. Financial inclusion defined as community access to…
Governance becomes a guideline for the banking management system and is essential for banking survival during regular economic crises. We investigate the impact of governance on performance in the Indonesians' conventional and examine the mediating role of bank risk in bank governance and performance relationship. The samples are 18 conventional banks listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) fr…
Menjadi perusahaan yang menjalankan bisnis secara berkelanjutan merupakan harapan perusahaan dewasa ini mengingat tidak sedikit perusahaan yang harus mengakhiri bisnisnya akibat kesalahan strategi. Dengan adanya gabungan komponen struktur industri dan struktur pasar inilah telah membentuk struktur persaingan.Dalam dinamika bisnis maka tidak dapat dihindari akan muncul persaingan. Pada akhirnya …